Dermatonic P is a cream formula potent enough to handle the toughest of skin conditions like eczema, yet gentle enough to safely help children and infants.
View before-after images of our previous customers. There are three sections to choose from.
BHealthy supplements are sourced from a unique blend of medicinal plants along with the healing power of raw honey to help keep the body healthy.
Dermatonic™ W derives from the most valuable healing ingredients that ever existed on earth, as well as pure herbs to support skin tissue regeneration, powerful immune stimulation, anti-inflammation, and anti-oxidation.
The flu and common colds, caused by viruses that primarily affect the respiratory system, often result in lingering symptoms that can take a toll on the lungs.
When it comes to skincare, one of the most sensitive areas of the face is the skin around the eyes.
Eczema, a chronic skin condition characterized by inflammation, itching, and redness, can be significantly influenced by weather changes.
I have had psoriasis of the scalp for almost a year with many lesions, some of which were at the hairline, red and scaly, and obvious for all to see. I tried coal tar, which helped a bit, but its possibly cancerous side effects made it a product I did not feel comfortable using. Being that psoriasis is an immune disorder, I wanted something natural, and needed it quick because it was only worsening with time. I found this product and decided to give it a try, hopeful, knowing the curing properties of honey, but a bit skeptical as well.
I have used this product for about a month, and my lesions that looked almost incurable they were so bad, have pretty much disappeared, especially the visible ones! I still have some areas here and there, and I am sure with a bit more consistency on my part, they will be healed as well. To give you an idea, I used the product only about 10 times in the last month, and yet was still able to see those amazing results. My husband, who is a physician and a skeptic of some natural products, was astonished as well. I have been telling many of my friends, and hope that others who have this condition will be able to find the relief I have. Many have been falsely led to think that only products that come from big pharmaceutical companies work, this product proves natural truly is best. This review is for both Honeyderm Wash & Hairback (for easier application to scalp to heal lesions caused by psoriasis). I used both products together.
EXCELLENT Product. For 4 years, my son has had extreme issues with eczema and psoriasis. I have tried cortizone, eucerin, aquafor and nothing has helped. This is the first product that has solved the issue where my son has baby skin, soft and no dry patches. I would definitely recommend it to people out there. I use the wash and Dermatonic P. I started seeing results in 2 weeks. Love the product!
When I first read about the product content, I was sure that it is going to help me to restore my hairs, but I never thought it makes such a quick effect. I started losing hairs since 1985, I tried many different oils several months but no result at all, after that nothing tried. When I started using Hairback, I was able to see the result very quickly, within 1 week I started seeing new hairs... it is a great solution and I was wondering why not that many people know about this?
I was using the HairBack and Hairtonix shampoo for the last one year and they work great. As soon as I started applying these products my hair stopped falling and after 4 weeks I saw new hair growing and the other people looking at my hair also noticed the difference. Actually my brother inlaw was using them and he recommended both of them to me. I recommend the Hairback and the Shampoo to everyone who is losing hair and also who wants to grow healthy hair.
Wonderful! I wish everyone can hear my story of how I have used this product and kept my hair from falling. I also noticed lots of hair growing back around my bald spot. I truly appreciate this product and i definitely think everyone should try it.